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Smart Grid China Forum

Discussions of the regulatory landscape, smart grid standardization, customer-side issues and more. Shanghai, China - September 14 to 16, 2011 Read More

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Canadian Green Tech - Recent News Posts
Summer publishing schedule for Canadian Green Tech Print
Facts & Figures
Written by CGT Staff   
Tuesday, 28 June 2021 04:49
The Canadian Green Tech Weekly Briefing will be published every two weeks in July and August. The publication dates are as follows: July 5, July 19, August 2, August 16 and August 30. The Weekly Briefing will return to its regular weekly schedule on September 6.
Farms hold considerable promise for renewables; ensure consistent rules: new report says Print
Regulation & Policy
Written by Perry Hoffman   
Monday, 27 June 2021 21:35

Ontario farms hold significant promise in delivering renewable energy to the grid, a new report comparing the German and Ontario opportunity. But it adds that policy makers need to ensure that the Feed-in-Tariff Program remains consistent.

Energy efficiency within the household needs a stronger push: Scotia Capital Print
Energy Conservation
Written by Perry Hoffman   
Monday, 27 June 2021 21:26

Despite household energy efficiency improvements in recent years, increased household energy use, combined with higher energy and electricity prices, has made energy efficiency increasingly important, according to a special report from Scotia Capital.

Commentary: Federal government decision to regulate emissions technology, simply wrong Print
Regulation & Policy
Written by Perry Hoffman   
Monday, 27 June 2021 21:30

Yesterday, the Globe and Mail published an article that says Environment Canada is going to regulate the types of technology used to reduce emissions from the Alberta oil sands. If the federal government follows through, it would be a big mistake.

Sea Breeze sells Knob Hill to GDF-SUEZ Print
Renewable Energy
Written by CGT Staff   
Monday, 27 June 2021 21:21

Sea Breeze Power Corp. has closed the agreement to sell the first phase of its Knob Hill Wind Farm project to IPR – GDF SUEZ North America for about $12 million.

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News, information and analysis of the regulatory, policy, business development and technology advancement spheres of renewable energy, smart grid, clean transportation, carbon capture and storage, and energy efficiency.

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