Canadian Green Tech - Recent News Posts

Regulation & Policy

The chief executive of Exxonmobil Corp. indicated in a recent speech the world’s largest crude oil refiner, would support taxing carbon dioxide as the most efficient way of decreasing greenhouse gas emissions.

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Regulation & Policy

The Toronto Star is reporting that the Ontario Energy Board will fine two energy sellers for misleading advertising.

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Facts & Figures

Sustainable Energy Technologies Ltd. has named Greg Nelson as executive VP and COO, effective January 5. He Nelson is currently a director of the company and has been consulting with management in developing its product positioning strategy.

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Renewable Energy

Schneider Power Inc. has appointed Lewis Reford to its board of directors. Reford is a leading energy and corporate finance professional with expertise in the renewable energy generation market.

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Renewable Energy

TransAlta Corp. has announced its 96-megawatt (MW), $170 million Kent Hills Wind Farm began commercial operation on December 31, 2008. The company says the project came in on time and on budget.

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Green IT

With the world’s penetration of mobile phones expected to jump from 3.7 billion to 6.5 billion by 2013 and much of that growth coming in developing nations, there will be huge demand for alternative sources of power to run those wireless networks, according to wireless equipment giant Ericsson.

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Stock Market

1 DOW 16,125.66
+240.44 (1.51%)    
2 S&P; 1,900.12
+23.04 (1.23%)    
3 NASDAQ 4,561.22
+42.73 (0.95%)    

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News, information and analysis of the regulatory, policy, business development and technology advancement spheres of renewable energy, smart grid, clean transportation, carbon capture and storage, and energy efficiency.

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